Monday, June 27, 2011


Hola Familia,

We had some awesome things happen this week.  last week we contacted a lady by the name of Anayelli, we set up a appointment with her and went by last Sunday.  so last Sunday we taught her and her esposo Luis.  Both are the gold of the gold.  We had a lesson with them on Friday and she told us that they had read the book of Mormon all the way to chapter 4.  we asked is she had any questions and she told us no, but that she had a lot of things she wanted to talk about.  she then gave us a in-depth overview of the story of Nephi,  and understood every little detail. while she read she took 2 pages of notes and was just analyzing the heck out of it.  she a great story tell or something, cause the whole time she was telling us this story i just kept think to my self this is an awesome story, it made me want to reread the start of the bomb.  anyways Anayelli and Luis are not married so we have been working hard on finding a way to help them out with that.  they have such a strong desire to get married, but the cool thing is they want to get married because they know its a commandment and that its a requisite for baptism.  they have their eyes set on there fechta for the 10 de Julio.  the only thing that stands in there way is the matrimony.  after Anayelli gave us the down low on  chap 1-4 she said she wanted to talk about one of the verses that llama su atencion.  she starts to read off 1nefi 3:7 and pretty much bore her testimony on how she new god would prepare a way for them to complete with all his commandments.   elder Fulton and i were blown off our shoes, Anayelli and Luis are one of those people that god has prepared.  its awesome to teach people when they understand so well.


here are some pics from yesterday, one minute we were walking with blue skies, the next min. the streets had turned in to rivers, pretty crazy.  o yeah and we had fish on Sunday.  the fish was a live on sec. and then in the pan for 2 sec, then on our plates, was really good.


i love you all,

Elder Gardner 


Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011


¡Felizidades! that’s awesome mom, that you passed and have made it through all of the steps to get certified. how awesome it is to have a goal like that and then to look back and see that you did it, and now your going to see the fruits from that work. We experienced a little bit of that this past week (not exactly the same but kind of). So we had this goal at the beginning of this transfer to contact 100 people every week. It’s something that we hadn't been doing last change. So our first week we contacted our heads off and reached 101 contacts, but the thing was that we really hadn't seen any difference in our numbers, but this past week we reaped the fruit from that work. We found 4 different families that are buenisimo. Each family isn't directly from those contacts but it started the revelation to find the family's. We pasted by one contact and they weren't´t there, but we decided to knock the door across the street. and found Gabi and Fabian and their two kids. Fabian has a lot of health problems, and cant work. Their kind of in a bind. We taught them and left them with the Book of Mormon challenge. We came back and Gabi told us that she read and then had this dream, it was super crazy and super long. But the climax in the dream was when her mom that past away last year, told her , "Gabi Stop doubting, all of this is true." This family has already seen so many blessing from just this week. One thing that came out in one of lesson was that before we got there they were thinking of getting a divorcement, but know feel that this message is going to help them. All i can say is that when we are obedient and complete with our goals, weather its getting certified or contacting a 100 people, we will receive blessing, and maybe they don't come right a way, but I know that they come. I love you so much, and hope all is great with the family. Until next week, take love.

Quidate Mucho

Elder Gardner

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011

Hola Familia

well there goes the first week of this transfer, i can tell you it was ugly.  but i have not had a more fulfilling week.  Elder Fulton and I are a different companionship this week.  lets just say we both feel good about what is to come.  Life is good.  sorry its short.  I love you all so much.  Year 2 is a go!!

Elder Gardner